Saturday, November 27, 2010
The Kitchen Composter
The Kitchen Composter allows 100% home composting to be achieved by tackling the elements of organic waste that cannot be put into a traditional composter.
All food waste can now be turned into nutrient rich compost. This includes meat, fish and dairy products as well as cooked foods. The process does not produce smells or attract flies.
The Kitchen Composter is an air-tight container which the food waste is placed in. Bokashi is added as a compost activator. This is a bran-based material that has been prepared with EM, a mixed culture of naturally occurring friendly microorganisms. After a few days the contents can be placed in a traditional home composter or dug into the ground. Liquid feed can be drained off during the fermentation process. This is alive with beneficial microbes and can be diluted as a plant feed or poured down drains to prevent algae build up and odours
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